Top 10 exercises to lose weight at home

 You have a few extra kilos left over, but between work, family obligations and housework you can't find the time or the desire to go to the gym and get in shape. Does this scene look familiar to you? In one HOW TO we want to teach you an exercise routine to lose weight at home. Women and men can practice them, you just need desire and establish a constant routine so that it is not so difficult for you to motivate yourself every day. Give these exercises and tips a try and let us know the results!

The most effective method to heat up prior to practicing at home

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Starting training while cold is a big mistake. On the one hand, your muscles will not be used to the effort and it is much easier to get injured or contract. On the other hand, the warm-up serves to prepare the muscles before physical exercise, so that when we really start to work them, they will perform much better than if we do it from scratch. The warm-up should be as follows:

The first thing you should do is some low-intensity cardio, whether it's jogging, biking, or doing a few minutes on the elliptical. If you don't have this material at home or you can't go running outside, you can do a couple of sets of 5 squats, push-ups, and sit-ups at a low rate. The sole purpose of this is to warm up, so it should be done at a light pace that allows you to get your body in shape.

Once the warm-up is finished, it is vital to extend the huge muscle gatherings and joints to stay away from wounds and actual issues.

Before starting the routine to lose weight, it is highly recommended to do some approach series, a way to activate the central nervous system so that, once we really start training, our performance will be much better. We can do this by doing easier and lighter versions of the exercises we will do later.


Squats are one of the classic gym exercises. You can easily do them at home, because you only need your legs and a correct technique to get the most out of them. In addition, it is an excellent way to start the exercise routine to lose weight at home, it will tone your thighs and buttocks in a short time. To make them, follow these steps:

Stand up in the space you have designated for the exercises.

Bend your knees as you bring your back straight slightly forward.

Always remember to support the weight on the entire foot, including the heels. If you don't do it this way, your knees could be injured.

Lower the buttocks as much as you can.

Later we will give you two routines for men and women, respectively. This way you will know how many series you should do and how to combine them with the rest of the exercises that we bring you in this article.

You can do squat variations by swinging your leg out to the side as you lower yourself. Alternate between the right and left leg.


The lunges are another very easy exercise to do that does not need special equipment or machines. With the strides you will be working the entire lower body, the thighs, the glutes and the hamstrings. To do them, pay attention to these steps:

Stand up to do the exercise.

Take one leg back and bend the knee to lower.

Return to the starting position. Optionally, you can do a jump on this step to work the cardiovascular system.

Bring the other leg back and repeat.

Glute kicks

We continue with the lower body and this time it's time to do some simple buttock kicks, perfect for toning the area and burning fat.We encourage you to utilize a mat or whatever other cushioned and firm surface to do this activity.

Place your knees on the ground and rest your hands on the ground.

Lift one knee up and push it back. Return it to its starting position.

Do 12 repetitions with one leg and continue with the other.

Always try to bring your legs as far back as possible when kicking. Likewise, you can practice standing glute kicks with support from a column or a wall. If you have dumbbells, you can increase the intensity by placing a dumbbell on the back of your bent knee.


We will start to reinforce our center with a straightforward series of standard crunches. Joined with cardiovascular activity, crunches will assist you with getting a level stomach and acquire strength in your back. Starts:

Rests on a firm, yet cushioned surface.

Place your hands behind your head and twist your knees.Bring the middle towards the knees. Center around utilizing the strength of your mid-region and back to go up, don't assist yourself with your legs or neck. Fix the midsection.

Get back to the beginning position, however don't rest your head. Go on with the abs.

Keep your arms loose during the activity and don't close them excessively. Additionally, make sure to keep your head turning upward, without staying

your jaw to your chest.

Slanted crunches or crunches

No stomach muscle routine would be finished without a decent slanted exercise. Remain on the floor for this activity and follow the means beneath:

Bring your right leg over your left leg and cross them on the ground. Your midsection will fall in line with your right leg, however keep your spine impartial.

Open your legs marginally and place your abandoned hand your head, arm loose.

Raise the middle with the power of the midsection upwards. You'll be working the obliques, so center your solidarity there.

Complete 10 redundancies and go on with the left leg.


We go on with a stomach practice that will likewise permit us to practice the legs and bum. Scissors are somewhat more extraordinary crunches, yet at the same exceptionally viable. To do them, remain on the ground and follow these means:

Expand your legs and marginally lift them a couple crawls off the ground.

Welcome one lower leg on top of the other and substitute positions rapidly.

Amass your solidarity in your midsection to keep your legs raised while moving them rapidly.

Bike Style Crunches

These are the last stomach practices that we will accomplish for this daily schedule. If you have any desire to know more stomach practices with further developed trouble, make certain to visit our article What are the best activities for abs? Follow these moves toward do bike style crunches:

Remain on the ground. Twist your knees and lift them up to shape a 90° point with your hips.

Bring your arms behind your head and keep them loose.

Raise your middle and attempt to bring your left elbow towards your right knee while you bring your right knee towards your left elbow. Attempt to get as close as possible.

Return and do likewise with your right elbow and left knee.

push ups

We as a whole know the exemplary push-ups. These activities will assist you with working your chest area, reinforce your center, and work your arms. To do them accurately, remember these means:

Try to keep your hips in accordance with your back straight.

Twist your elbows and gradually lower yourself to the floor without really contacting it.

Go up and return down.

To provide you with a superior thought of how to do push-ups accurately, make a gander at the strides that we leave you in the video.

whimsical push-ups

Similar as standard pushups, erratic pushups work on strength by broadening muscles as opposed to contracting them. With these push-ups you will be working pectorals, rear arm muscles, deltoids, trapezius and muscular strength.

Get into a board position as though you planned to play out a customary push-up.

Gradually lower your body to the ground, twisting your elbows.

At the point when you've gotten as near the ground as you can, immediately expand your elbows and come up to the beginning position. Rehash.


The burpee, likewise called the little officer, is a very complete activity, ideal for sprinters or for the people who need to fabricate opposition.

Crouch on the ground and lay your palms on it.

In a leap, take your body back and get into a board position.

Play out a push-up and present your legs to get back to a squat.

Get up rapidly and bounce up, expanding your arms up.

As you land, twist your knees and return to the beginning position.

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