12 tips to help you lose weight

 Lose weight without dieting? Yes. Of course, as long as you take into account these 12 simple guidelines to achieve it. From watching sugar and carbs to daily exercise, this list should be your mantra for meeting this goal.

12 tips to help you lose weight

12 tips to help you lose weight

12 tips to help you lose weight .If you are tired of going hungry, of falling into the trap of some diets, if you do not want to stop eating chocolate, if you do not want to saturate your body with protein, follow the advice we give you and you will see how the scale smiles at you. You just have to add to your day to day these little secrets to control the weight that we share with you.

These stunts to shed pounds are faultless assuming you follow them everyday and reliably.We know by heart a thousand and one types of diets with which to lose weight quickly, we are also experts in fasting or intermittent fasting, in types of carbohydrates, proteins and we even know the ABCs of exercises to lose weight by heart. Be that as it may, have you halted to contemplate the most fundamental?And when we talk about basic things, we talk about eating more, moving around, cooking well, or being aware of what you eat, how much, and how.

We talk about all these things in this article. Eat more? Of course yes. And we have compelling reasons to encourage you to do so. We are not inviting you to spend 24 hours a day eating food, but rather to comply with at least 5 meals a day. And do you know why?Since in addition to other things, with every assimilation of every one of them, you are likewise consuming energy! And therefore, burning calories effortlessly. Skipping meals in order to lose weight will only increase your feelings of hunger, slow your metabolism, and encourage the rebound effect.

To lose weight, keep an active life

But this does not mean that you sign up every week for all the gym classes that burn the most fat, but rather that you take advantage of the daily activities to make active gestures: take the garbage down... by the stairs. Go shopping... on foot! And also, knowing how to choose the type of exercise you do, always taking care of your body and your muscles for a better response.

We also do not forget to eat a conscious diet, cooking delicious and healthy.Also, despite the fact that it might appear glaringly evident, there are many advantages that can be acquired from 'Careful eating' assuming you practice it day to day. Rediscovering cooking, organic food, markets, even rediscovering the menus of your favorite trendy restaurants, looking much more deeply at each choice, will make you more aware of what you eat and how you eat it.What's more, this, regardless of whether you believe it's significant, likewise has results.We also reflect on everything refined and "bad" food

Although many times our decisions are worse. At our disposal we have endless options that do our body no favors, much less our weight loss plan. So looking carefully at each detail, knowing what kind of sugars, what are the ideal carbohydrates to lose weight, the proteins we eat, in what quantities, at what times of the day and in what way, will help us in this work of, not so much count calories, but take care of our habits.

And above all, it is a great act of love towards yourself.Here, some "stunts", tips, keys... call them what you need, yet recollect them.Lose weight without dieting: eat more

Yes, you read it right. One of the tricks to speeding up metabolism is not to go into "restricted mode" because the more you deprive him of food, the more he will retain what little you give him.

YEAH. Eat five meals a day starting with a good breakfast, two healthy snacks, a smart meal (depending on how active you plan to be after), and a light, low-calorie dinner. Each digestion spends energy, so if you control the portions, your body will begin to burn more calories.

NOT. Never skip meals, the only thing you will achieve is accumulating hunger, slowing down your metabolism and boosting the rebound effect if you diet.

Lose weight without dieting:

Always eat breakfast Nutritionists do not stop insisting on the importance of the first meal of the day, which is the one that starts the metabolism, the one that provides you with energy and the one that helps you regulate your appetite until lunch. Of everything. The breakfast to lose weight that you want, rich and healthy should contain healthy carbohydrates (whole grain bread, cereals or biscuits and preferably organic, without added sugars or fats); natural juice or fresh fruit (better at the beginning to improve digestion); a low-fat or non-dairy dairy (if you're lactose intolerant or want to further cut calories), coffee or green tea (your first dose of antioxidants); healthy proteins (Iberian ham, turkey, egg) to take away your hunger; some healthy fat (virgin olive oil!) and something sweet if you really want it (this is the best time to take it, you have all day to burn it off), like jam with no added sugar.

Lose weight without dieting: itches between meals

As well as assisting you with keeping your digestion dynamic and consuming energy, eating between feasts is the best way to control your hunger and not show up hungry for lunch or supper.Of course, this snack must be healthy. Psychologically, it will be an endorphin "rush" to be able to eat when you're hungry.

YEAH. Natural, unroasted nuts, such as walnuts, cashews, almonds, or sunflower seeds; a piece of fresh fruit -take a look at the best fruits to lose weight- or a handful of red fruits (second antioxidant serving); a skimmed yogurt; a puffed rice pancake; a can of natural tuna or low-fat cold cuts; a couple oatmeal cookies or a couple ounces of dark chocolate if you have a sweet tooth.

Lose weight without dieting: yes, to carbohydrates

Vegetables, cereals, bread or entire wheat pasta are not to fault for your additional kilos.Your enemies are industrial sweets, sliced ​​bread, salty snacks (stay away from the machine at work), sugary cereals and refined foods. These types of fast-digesting carbohydrates are the ones that throw your GI out of control, that is, your glycemic index or blood insulin level.

YEAH. Always eat carbohydrates for breakfast and eat them at noon (a plate of pasta, rice or legumes) if you are going to exercise in the afternoon. Take legumes at least three times a week (their fiber is fantastic for your intestines and they keep you hungry for hours) and the rest of the carbohydrates are better whole grains, since they are released slowly into the bloodstream, do not produce insulin spikes and do not accumulate in the form of fat like the refined ones.

Lose Weight Without Dieting: Undercover Sugar

Do you eat little, try to make it healthy and still can't lose weight? The key may be in white sugar, a chemical product that does not provide any nutrients to the body and does contain many calories.

Don't you take sugar? You may not add it to coffee but you are taking it through sliced ​​bread, packaged vegetables, tetrabrick soups or purees, cold cuts, smoked salmon, yogurts, pre-cooked foods... You just have to start reading the labels of what you buy to bring your hands to your head and realize the amount of sugar you are inadvertently ingesting. Less energy. All that sugar is the one that causes insulin spikes, that you are consistently ravenous and that you are falling short on energy.

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